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For the 2025 FRC season, teams are challenged to pick up PVC pipes called coral to score them on a structure called the reef, and shoot rubber balls called algae into a net or goal called the processor. For the first 15 seconds, robots are autonomous and operate on pre-programmed controls. Coral or algae can be scored during this period for extra points. For the 2 minutes and 15 seconds left in the match the teams partake in tele-op, when the drivers take the controls and maneuver the field to score points. Robots can score coral on the reef in the middle of your alliance side on various levels increasing in point value as it increases in height. They can also take an algae to the processor or net above the barge. If each team scores two algae in the processor on the right wall, they gain a coopertition point to make it easier to gain a ranking point. As the match reaches its end, at 20 seconds left the robots can end either in the barge zone or while climbing one of three cages in the area. Additional details can be viewed in the game manual.

The Field



The barge is a large structure in between both alliances which serves as a border. This year only one robot is permitted to cross the barge at a time. A net is above the barge where teams can toss algae to score points. During the end of the game the robots can climb a cage suspended from the barge, they can get more points by climbing the low cage.

Coral Station​


There are four total coral stations on the field, and each alliance has two on their side. Each alliance has 120 coral pieces in their stations. The human players at the coral station can feed the game pieces to the robots in addition to finding them on the ground. The coral stations have grooves in the ramps leading it to the field to guide the coral in the preferred orientation.



The reef is a structure in the middle of the each alliance side it's one of the main methods of scoring. To begin the match there will be six algae in the branches which teams will have to knock off to score in the processor for more points. The coral can be scored on the separate levels of the reef seen below, each level increasing in height and points. However when a coral is scored while an algae is in contact with that coral it will not count for points.



The processor is a short goal near the more challenging barge net. The processor scores a total of six points when algae is inserted, though when algae is inside the human player from the other alliance can take the algae and attempt to score it in the net for four points. The processer is low to the ground making it easier to score in. 

Scoring Points


In qualification rounds, teams are ranked by their Ranking Score or average number of Ranking Points (RP) per match. To ensure high placement, it is important to win matches and complete the secondary objectives as well; to amass as many Ranking Points as possible. Teams can earn up to four ranking points if they win and up to two even if they lose point values for each action change according to when in the game they are completed.

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